Registered Charity: 1192247
Where was the first bomb dropped on the Isle of Wight in 1940?
What is unusual about the Island’s three rivers?
What relationship did American actor, Kirk Douglas, have to the Isle of Wight?
We’ve asked these questions and more.
We even remember the answers to some of them!
Then join us on Monday, 10 – 12 at the Beckford Centre.
Our lively and friendly IW History group spends the first half of the session talking about a specific topic related to Island history. After a break for hot drinks and biscuits, there’s a round of questions and answers about the Island. None of us are serious historians – just enthusiastic amateurs enjoying some company and chat for a couple of hours.
Read about the history of the Beckford Centre itself, used as a Printworks from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. Here are some of the faces you would have seen here, then.