Registered Charity: 1192247
Your participation and donations mean a lot for the future of our community centre.
It will now be presented on
Visitor donations very welcome
Ruth will tell us about her own involvement in this unique exploration of the church.
Following the discovery of a lead coffin, human and animal bones and lots of oyster shells- what was revealed about the original Medieval church?
Owing to a shortage of volunteers, you may find the Beckford Centre closed on occasional Saturdays.
We apologise for any inconvenience and hope the situation will improve, soon.
You can still contact us- details below. We will do our best to accommodate any enquiries/book sales.
Read through archives or local history books.
Bring your own reading material to enjoy over a cuppa- we don’t mind! We are a community centre, as well as the guardians of photos, documents and personal memories from the people of Cowes over many years.
Enjoy meeting people? (Knowledge of local heritage is not vital).
Have time to spare (2-3 hours at a time)?
Have enthusiasm and ideas for the Community Centre?
All enquiries:
leave a message on 01983 244180 or at: [email protected]