Registered Charity: 1192247

Those who wish to join a social group. particularly with an interest in the history side of the Island in general, might want to come along to Our Island History, on Monday morning 10-12?
There’s a Coffee & Chat group who meet each Thursday morning 10-11.30, to discuss topics in the media or just enjoy a bit of gossip!
Or the Art & Craft group 1.30-3.30pm on Thursday. Bring your own craft project or have a go at something new.
The first two sessions are free. If you decide to continue with the group, it is just £2 a week plus an annual £10 subscription to CHCG (see below), which helps us with our running costs.
We also welcome people to take the lead in introducing new subjects to our community centre.
CHCG Membership is £10 per annum – or Life membership is £100.
Email [email protected] or visit the Beckford Centre to apply for membership.